Framework: Verizon Innovative Learning Schools-Digital Promise Guidebook

Personalized Learning

Framework: Verizon Innovative Learning Schools-Digital Promise Guidebook

Oct 29, 2017

Framework: Verizon Innovative Learning Schools-Digital Promise Guidebook

This article is part of the collection: The Personalized Learning Toolkit.

Gaps exist between high-performing and under-performing schools for multiple reasons, including differences in access to funding and resources, community commitment, and the willingness of school leaders to innovate. Digital Promise was created to address this gap, accelerating innovation in education and expanding learning opportunities. In combination with Verizon Innovative Learning Schools, participating middle schools have “always-available access to technology,” which improves learning and allows participation. Connected students and teachers create content and solve problems.

The Verizon-Digital Promise initiative documents the process so others can learn from these schools’ experiences; a guidebook fosters the creation of personalized and challenge-based learning environments. More than a guidebook, this toolkit supports schools that are trying to close the digital learning gap. Doing so requires solving three key challenges: ubiquitous access, ability to participate, and effective use of technology to help solve complex problems. Together Verizon and Digital Promise share the challenges and solutions from 74 participating middles schools; they are creating a blueprint for how to use technology for learning. It’s an ongoing process, but the guidebook is a place to begin now.

Part of a powerful learning environment is technology that works. So the Verizon-Digital Promise team has also gathered tips, resources and stories on edtech from participating teachers based on their specific challenges (and solutions).

Tools: Professional Learning from Digital Promise

Digital Promise / BloomBoard

Part of implementing a personalized learning program is preparing and motivating teachers. Digital Promise has several tools to help, including a micro-credentialing system. Micro-credentials are a natural extension of educators’ professional learning journeys, and include recognition for informal learning as well as formal professional development. The system recognizes educators for the skills they acquire throughout their careers that allow them to craft powerful learning experiences for their students. It provides a framework to guide the development of each micro-credential and is evaluated by experts. Digital Promise provides a roadmap to support effective micro-credential implementation as part of effort to empower educators and enrich classroom instruction.

Link Challenge Based Learning to Personalized Learning

Digital Promise also extensively examines Challenge Based Learning. It’s worth looking into these resources because part of personalized learning outcomes is demonstrating mastery. In the Challenge Based Learning Toolkit, expect to find research, stories about challenge-based learning in action, templates for each phase and resources to get started.

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